To preserve the heritage of the bygone Peranakan culture.
To carry on the tradition & value of our fore forefathers.
To bring Penang Nyonya fine cuisine to greater heights and internationally acclaimed! (we strive to be no.2 as we believe your mom or grandmother will always be no.1)
To revive and to relieve the memories and taste of yesteryears.
To educate younger generation to appreciate and value the glorious past of our ancestor. (Learning from the PAST, to live in the PRESENT, to create a better FUTURE.)
To give everyone the opportunity to have a dining experience in a cozy ambience, but most of all...... A Taste of History!!! (Palatable to the eyes, nose, mouth & heart.)
To use only the finest and freshness of ingredients in preparing all our dishes. No MSG or other harmful preservatives. (We won’t want our grandmother to roll in her grave)
To maintain the tedious procedure and tradition of preparation to ensure the authenticity of Penang Nyonya Cuisine. (Please be patience as you wait for your food as each and every dish is freshly cooked)
To ensure hygiene & cleanliness are adhered to from the kitchen to the table. (Each dish served is a “work of art” infused with the 3 main ingredients: passion, love & skill)