Peranakans are descendants of early Chinese migrants who settled in the Malaya Peninsula from the mid 18th century. These early Chinese immigrants intermarriage with with the Natives and settled mainly in Penang, Malacca and Singapore which make up the Straits Settlement during the British rule. The old Malay word Nonya also spelled as Nyonya is a term of respect affection for women of prominent social standing.
Peranakan Food or Nyonya Cuisine is a combination of Chinese, Malay and other influences into a unique blend and taste. There are regional variations in Nyonya cooking. Dishes from the islands of Penang in the northern part of Peninsula Malaysia possesses Thai influences, such as more liberal use of tamarind and other sour ingredients. Migrant's India uses of spices and herbs also play an important part of the creation of Nyonya Cuisine. Whereas dishes from the southern regions, namely Malacca and Singapore shows a greater Indonesia influence, such as the generous use of coconut milk.
Penang Nyonya Cuisine are mainly spicy, hot, sourish and use a lot of local herbs and spices. Technique of cooking involves tedious preparations, precise cutting and involves hours of steaming and simmering. Spices were grounded manually. Large granite stone mills (batu geling) is used for their Sambal Belacan. Nyonya Cuisine also places a lot of emphasis on color combination and food presentation. Each morsel is supposed to taste as good as it looks!
The kitchen is also called "Perut Rumah". Literally in Malay "House Stomach". Young Nyonyas were trained in the kitchen so that they would catch a rich husband. The way to men's heart were supposedly through their stomachs.

Ingredients are sourced from suppliers whom we know take meticulous care in growing their produce.
Only high-quality ingredients make their way into our foods – nothing less.

In an era of speed, we like to take it slow because great flavours take time to simmer.
We do not recycle our cooking oil in any of our food preparation.